All the work we do at Ujyalo is underpinned by the idea of “Creating Safe Space for Women to effectively lead in Nepal”. Currently, we actively run FOUR programs in Nepal to make sure that we achieve this goal:
EmpowHER– Leadership and Idea Incubation program for young women between the ages of 18-29 years old.
NiDARR– An ICT based initiative to fight gender based violence.
Women Summit– Leadership program through feminist lens designed for female service providers.
L.I.F.E- Create respectful gender dynamics among young men and women between the ages of 12-16 years.
iGNITE- An intergenerational leadership program to connect inspiring and aspiring women leaders.
I wanted to know if Ujyalo Foudation would love sharing their workshops on empowering women with other organizations. I am currently managing a women literacy program and am searching for any possible extra exposure or empowerment opportunities to women we have.